One of the many challenges of changing careers late in life is finding like minded friends in your chosen careers. Through law school, past jobs, and trade associations, I know many lawyers and colleagues in the international trade field. And I have many friends who play competitive tennis with me - but who are not, generally, artistic.
Becoming an artist has been largely a matter of solitary practice and online learning for me, though I have been participating in a local drop in life drawing session on a semi-regular basis. As I enjoy urban sketching, I have participated in a few urban sketching meet up events, but it is difficult making time for these events.
So, one way I have formed my own community of artists who provide me with inspiration and support is to follow artists on Instagram. There are so many wonderful artists on Instagram who post a wide range of art on a daily basis! Here are some of my favorites:
My Teachers (largely online):
@vinganapathy - Vin Ganapathy
@wagonized - France Van Stone
@lapinbarcelona - Lapin
@freekhand - Miguel Herranz
@suhitasketch - Suhita Shirodkar
@paulheaston - Paul Heaston
@lizsteelart - Liz Steel
Urban Sketchers:
@paulwang_sg - Paul Wang
@parkablogs - Teoh Yi Chie
Other inspirational artists:
@valeriemafrica - Valerie Mafrica
@dilleenart - Dilleen Marsh
I know I'm forgetting a lot of artists. I'll add to this list as I remember them! How do you build a community of supportive artists? I'd love any other tips!